Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chocolate Pavlova and Chocolate Cream

I finally got around to reading the pre-Christmas Food and Drink Magazine from the LCBO and copying out the recipes that caught my eye and this was one of them. It was essentially perfect, since my meringue craving was building up and we had frozen raspberries and blueberries hanging out in the freezer since my plans for mixed berry and apple stuff went out the window when mom turned the apples into applesauce and I keep forgetting to pick up some more on my daily walks.

When I told mom what it was when she woke up, she was all "I haven't heard of chocolate pavlovas" and I was like, they're yummy. Heh, even changed my FB status to this being my new fave meringue recipe. Though, if I'd thought it through, I would have made like six or eight little ones and left the whip cream and berries separate in the fridge, since my brother isn't into sweets with his cigarette habit and it isn't something mom can take to work. Oh wells, remember that for next time, and there will be a next time, since I want revenge on the fragile state of the silly thing.

Chocolate Pavlova and Chocolate Cream

makes one 9" round pavlova, serves 12

4 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
pinch salt
1 cup sugar
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp vinegar

Chocolate Cream topping:
1 cup raspberries, fresh or thawed
5 oz  good quality milk chocolate, chopped
1 cup 35% whipping cream
1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 cup mixed berries, fresh or thawed (if thawed and aiming for perfection, drain the juices off before adding to the cake)

Preheat the oven to 275 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Mix the sugar and cocoa together in a small bowl.
In a large, high bowl beat the egg whites until frothy and then add salt, vanilla and cream of tartar.
Beat whites further until soft peaks this time (more substantial than frothy and peaks are visible but fall when you lift the beaters out of mixture) and start gradually adding in the cocoa sugar while beating.
Sugar should all be in when you hit stiff peaks (the "can hold the bowl upside over you head" stiffness), beat in the vinegar and cornstarch.
Spread on the parchment in about a 9" round with the sides higher than the middle to make a little nest.
Bake about 1 hour or until outside crispy and inside still soft.
Cool completely before assembling.

Press the cup of raspberries through a fine sieve into a bowl to remove the seeds.
Stir in the chopped chocolate.
On the stove in a small saucepan over medium high heat or in a measuring cup in the microwave, heat the whip cream until it's just bubbling.
Pour over the chocolate raspberry mix and stir until smooth.
Cool about 30 minutes on the counter and 10 minutes in the freezer.
Add the cocoa powder and beat the cream until you get a moundable, stiff cream (but not butter).
Just before serving, transfer the meringue to a serving platter.
Spread the whip cream in the center.
Top with the mixed berries.
Serve immediately or freeze leftovers for a day. Fridging causes meringues to dew and go gummy.

Pretty, sweet and a tasty mix of chocolate and fruit.


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